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Countdown to Event Day


Running Bitcoin Challenge

Anytime in 2024! | Any place you want, anywhere in the world!

The Running Bitcoin Challenge is THE EVENT that combines Hal Finney's love of running and Bitcoin and is raising funds and awareness to help cure ALS, which claimed his life.  

You are challenged to run (or walk, roll, or hike) the equivalent of a half marathon - cumulatively or all at once - whenever you like in 2024.

From wherever you are, spread the word about Bitcoin, participate in a healthy activity, and feel good about doing your part to help cure ALS.

Congratulations to the winners of our drawing!

You will be receiving a limited edition, event–exclusive running shirt autographed by Fran Finney herself!

1. Daniel Hampton

 8. Ed Mcveigh

 15. Kenneth Hayes

2. Mr Stacker

 9. Curtis Andersen

 16. Danny Knowles

3. Johannes Schmitt

 10. Sam Callahan

 17. James Hutchings

4. Robert Peace

 11. Natascha Teufer

 18. Travis Headley

5. Michael Welter

 12. Sam Case

 19. Sven Steiger

6. Adrien Lacombe

 13. Lynne Bairstow

 20. Nick Baker

7. Alexey Semenov

 14. Esther Park

 21. Alex Myers

Collage of 2024 Running Bitcoin Challenge participants from across the globe.

Raise Additional BTC, sats, or USD to Earn Cool Fundraising Incentives!

What: From wherever you are, run (or walk, roll, or hike) Hal's favorite distance - 21km or 13.1 mi - in either one outing or cumulatively.

How: Participants sign up, spread the word and share progress via their own social media channels, and recruit other participants and donors.

Incentives: Fundraise for the chance to earn a Fran Finney-autographed running shirt and additional swag from the Running Bitcoin Challenge and ALS Network.

Note: USD donations will appear immediately on our leaderboard and in our progress thermometer. BTC donations will be figured into totals and updated periodically. Anonymous donors will remain anonymous on the leaderboard.

like/follow/tag/connect: Join us on X: @RunningBTC21k

@youralsnetwork; #runningbitcoinchallenge  #nevergiveup

Proceeds from the Running Bitcoin Challenge will provide critical funding related to ALS Network's interdependent mission priorities related to essential care services, public policy initiative, and cutting-edge research.


Use Good Move to track your activity and fundraise!

Good move

Use the Good Move app to log activity, fundraise, and share all in one easy place! Download it from the App Store, Google Play, or scan the QR code below. It directly connects to your participant center. "Request a new passcode" and you're ready to run, walk, and roll!

Proceeds from the Running Bitcoin Challenge will provide critical funding for ALS Network's urgent mission priorities related to ALS care services, public policy initiatives, and cutting-edge global research.

Gratitude to our Sponsors

12.19.23 Bitcoin Challenge Sponsors.png

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